Ron Kitching, was one of the most influential cycle trade figures since the war. He made his fortune in cycling, and returned much of it to cycling through sponsorship of racing, cycling groups and events. Ron was a champion road racer and time triallist in the 1930s, who used his expertise to found a shop in Harrogate and a company importing and distributing cycle components. He was also a partner in several high-class cycle manufacturing ventures.

CINELLI Super Corsa - 1957 / Ron Kitching Special Edition
serial number 6379
Condition: Preserved
Frame/Fork: Columbus
Lugs: Cinelli, Georg Fisher
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Handebar/Stem: Cinelli steel
Handlebar shifters: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Hubs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Crankset and bottom bracket: Magistroni
Brake set: Universal 51
Headset: Cinelli steel
Saddle: Brooks B17
Pedals: Sheffield Sprint
Rims: Nisi Toro
Ron Kitching's catalogue "Everything Cycling" presents the range of Cinelli production imported into the UK. The models included were: Corsa, Super Corsa, Pista, Riviera, Handlebars, Stems and more. At the end of the 1960s, in over 200 pages of detailed information, the English catalogue was considered an encyclopaedia of cycling, the stuff of dreams for cyclists everywhere.

Special Thanks for pictures and info to and Otley Cycle Club.